
Showing posts from October, 2018

Cheap yet best market in delhi !!! SAROJINI MARKET

heeeeyyyaa!!!!!!! Back again with the ladies favourite topic SHOPPPIIINNNGGGG. I mean yes Shopping has always been a pleasent experience , particularly for the ladies & young people. So , today i am gonna talk about a very famous DELHI market that is SAROJINI MARKET . IF you are coming from whatever direction of the delhi you just have to take pink line of the metro station and you have to get off on the sarojini nagar metro station gate no. 1 . Market is right in front of the metro station . if you want to take auto when you are leaving then auto is also easily available . So, sarojini market is way cheaper than other markets IN DELHI . Almost all the products are under 200 bucks . Here are some fews tips for sarojini market which i keep in my mind whenever i go for shopping in sarojini market. just don't let your bargain power goes off  if you think that price is high for whatever product. just don't show the shopper that you really liked the dress, ...


  A very big Hug & helloo  from my side. My name is Anjali And i reside in Delhi. Super excited and super nervous because this is my first ever blog. Don't know whether it gonna be successfull or not but i really wanted to do it from a very long time. So... here i am.... So, basically in my blogs... i am gonna talk with you guys about everything ...from my daily morning routine to current issues whom i think i have a strong point and i have to share with you guys. You guys also can tell me if you have any opinion about my blogs or some other things.  Right now i am pursuing PG and doing job as well....So, in my blog i am gonna be super loyal to u guys i will never give you any wrong information. I will try to write something new and creative every single time...So as of now.... bie guys