Welcome Back !!!!!!!!!!!! So, as you already read the yummiest title that is chocolate shake with few ingredients . we all love chocolate and chocolate shake with ice-cream would be cherry on the cake . It will hardly take 15 minute. Now, without wasting our time let's get started . INGREDIENTS WE NEED:- 1. 1 CUP RAW MILK 2. 2 SPOON COCOA POWDER(easily available at any general shop ) 3. SUGAR 4. HALF CUP WATER 5. ICE-CREAM( optional) I think all the ingredients are easily available in our kitchen .lets see how to make CHOCOLATE SHAKE . STEP 1:- Add 1 cup raw milk with 2 spoon cocoa powder in mixer . STEP 2:- Now also add 2 to 3 spoon sugar to it ( i prefer 3 spoon of sugar ) STEP 3:- Then add half cup cold water or you can also use ice cubes.(ice cube is better option) STEP 4:- Now blend it STEP 5:- Pour it into the glass and now it's totally optional if you want to add ice-cream on top of it ...
Showing posts from December, 2019