
Showing posts from May, 2020

WORK FROM HOME IN LOCKDOWN without investment

Hi Folks!!!!!!!! WELCOME TO MY WORLD . .... We all know the current situation of the world right now . Because of corona virus crisis people are dying due to lack of food and other sources. Many people are stuck in other countries or state far away from their family . MY PRAYER GOES OUT TO THEM AND THEIR FAMILY . The bigger problem arises here is unemployment . Many employees are already laid off. They are jobless now . And companies are not going to recruit right now . This corona crisis teaches us that we have to find our own ways to survive . Be independent . Find the sources of income . We can't be dependent only on jobs . Here is my little effort to overcome this problem . 1. SURVEYS      You must have seen this option on internet many times . But this option is only suitable for school        or college going students. It require lots of time to complete the points in these survey . You will          not ge...

how to play "GUESS THE GIBBERISH" (with pictures)

We all are stuck at home right now and therefore everybody even all our celebrities hollywood or bollywood almost everyone is using social media like instagram , facebook and snapchat etc. As you have read the title, this page is related to most famous filter of instagram nowdays that is GUESS THE GIBBERISH (everyone is loving this filter)  . Many people don't know that from where this filter comes from or how to use it  so following are the few steps in order  to apply this filter. FOLLOWING ARE  THE EASY STEPS:- Step 1:-   Open your instagram app first. Step 2:-Then open the explore page (magnifying glass icon at the bottom of your                      screen ) Step 3:- Go to the search bar at the top and type @gu_christopher   and click on the first result. Open the profile . Step 4:-  You will see many highlights on the page .  Click on the highlight namin...